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Social Skills

How to write a wish-fulfilled thank-you diary(gratitude journal)

by CAPTAINKIM 2023. 3. 26.

One of the famous American talk show host Oprah Winfrey said this.

Be grateful for what you have. You'll have more.
If you focus on what you don't have, it will never be enough.

And she said.

There's so much to be thankful for around us.
And you have to record it every day.

Records are important. Humans are animals of oblivion, so they forget easily. If you keep a record, it will be remembered longer and remain deeper.

Keeping a thank-you diary is an effective way to leave appreciation deeper in your mind.

One of the ways to write a thank-you diary well is to be interested and have many experiences. People, nature, things. You have to pay attention to many things and look deeply.

You could see as much as you know. When you find out, you can see things that you couldn't see. If you can see something that you couldn't see, you can make a bigger appreciation.

You see the world more specifically and feel grateful. Let's set a specific target for the appreciation and list the reasons.


You may appreciate what you've received, what you've been given, but you can also do it to the test you've been through, to the pain you've been through, to the hope of the future. 

Don't regret your failure and appreciate your experience and growth. Humans naturally think and remember negative things more easily. 

Let's remind ourselves of a deliberately positive experience. Let's thank yourself for overcoming bad memories and growing up. 

Let's melt the cold snow that cuts you with warm thanks.
If you think, "I really don't have anything to thank for," think about any incident in your daily life recently. And let's deliberately change the view of the event to positive. 

If you wake up in the morning and go straight to the bathroom, you can appreciate a healthy bowel, or if you shared your concerns with your colleague today, you can appreciate your precious human relationship. If the weather was cold, you may be grateful that there is a resting place to warm your body. 

You may think of a grateful person who has not usually expressed his or her heart. You can also appreciate your strengths. 

If you look at the world intentionally by changing your perspective a little, there is nothing to be do not thankful for.


If you leave it in writing, it comes like a bigger thank you.
Let's change a normal diary to a  gratitude  journal.


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